How to Cure Type 2 Diabetes

How to Cure Type 2 Diabetes

Before we get into exactly how to cure Type 2 Diabetes, I need to throw a few disclaimers in here at the top to protect myself.  I am not a doctor and I am most certainly not your doctor so take this with a grain of salt.  The following is not medical advice but me telling my story and offering hope and encouragement to everyone that reads it.

I don’t remember what year it was when my wife was diagnosed with T2D, 2012 maybe?  I’m not sure but the one thing I do remember was the look on her face when the doc gave her the news and the next question she asked, “How do I get rid of it?”  The doc gave her perhaps the most insanely unhelpful advice ever, lose weight.  If we could flip a switch and lose weight, we already would have done that.  It was clear that if we were going to do this, it was going to be up to us.

That’s when Dian cut out all the carbs from her diet.  We really didn’t know what we were doing and looking back, it is actually a little surprising that we stumbled across the one thing that actually fixes T2D AND helped her lose weight.  And when I finally saw the light a few years later, it fixed my Metabolic Syndrome and helped me lose almost 200 lbs so far.

What Is Type 2 Diabetes?

So before we get into exactly why this cures T2D, lets break down what T2D is and why you get it.  Whenever you eat anything that raises your blood sugar like sugar, other carbohydrates and excess protein, your pancreas secretes insulin in order to keep our blood sugar level normal.  Think of insulin as a doorman that opens the doors of your fat and muscle cells and ushers the sugar into the cells where it can be used for fuel or stored as fat.  If you eat more sugar than you can use for fuel, then what is leftover is stored as fat which is why those carbs cause you to get fatter.

If you are constantly eating carbs, you are causing your pancreas to constantly secrete insulin in order to deal with the elevated blood sugar levels and anytime there is a hormone that is constantly present, your body responds by down-regulating the receptors for that hormone, causing you to become resistant to that hormone.  As you become more insulin resistant, your pancreas has to pump out more and more insulin to deal with the blood sugar created by the carbs you eat.  Eventually your pancreas can’t keep up with the demand and your average blood sugar levels start to creep up causing your blood A1C levels to rise.  As insulin resistance increases and your pancreas wears out, youget type 2 Diabetes.

The Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

So an important note here is the difference between T1 and T2 diabetes.  With T1, the pancreas no longer functions properly and insulin needs to be injected.  At this point, this is an irreparable disease and will always need more insulin to deal with the food you eat.  But T2 is exactly the opposite.  It is a disease of TOO MUCH insulin which is why doctor’s attempts to treat it by ever increasing doses of insulin do nothing but make the problem worse in the long run.

The Diet that Cures Diabetes

So how do you fix the issue?  Well it should be obvious.  If the issue is a worn out pancreas then you need to eat in such a way that it has to produce as little insulin as possible and if the problem is insulin resistant cells than you need to be sure your pancreas doesn’t secrete very much insulin.  2 problems with the exact same solution.  And the type of diet that reduces the amount of insulin needed is any low carb, moderate protein diet and it could also include some type of Intermittent Fasting.  Although I adhere to a Ketogenic diet, this can can be any variation of low carb, high fat like Paleo, Atkins, or any real food protocol like Whole 30.  All of these diets work because all of them eliminate sugar, processed grains and starches and emphasize healthy saturated and monounsaturated fats like butter, coconut oil and olive oil.

The Role of Exercise in Curing Diabetes

Something else that is generally recommended is regular exercise, especially weight bearing exercise.  As you lift weights, your body responds by building new muscle tissue.  This new muscle is much more insulin sensitive than the old insulin resistant muscles, reducing the amount of insulin your body has to produce.  Exercise also sends more blood sugar to your muscles to be burned for fuel instead of to fat cells to be stored as body fat.

How Long Until the Cure Takes Effect?

So how long does it take to begin to see a difference?  Well your A1C test shows a 90 average blood sugar levels so you figure about 2 weeks to drop your blood sugar levels down into an acceptable range and then 90 days to get a true reading over that time so 3-4 months.  However, a new report by Dr Steve Phinney shows that he was able to drop A1C levels with a ketogenic diet as fast as 10 weeks. The point is, it doesn’t take very long at all to repair your body and end all signs of T2D.

The TL;DR of all this is, don’t eat carbs and you can cure T2D.  It’s not at all difficult to do and since I watched it work on my own wife, I’ve seen it work on many other people in my life and in our FaceBook group.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments and I’ll be sure to answer them as best I can.  Thanks for reading!

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