A Beginner’s Guide To CBD Oil: What It Is & How It Works

The last few years have seen a soar in popularity of CBD oils. They’re all over the news, and it seems like many people are using CBD oils for a range of different conditions. But what exactly is CBD oil? And how does it work?

To help you answer any questions, we’ve written a beginner’s guide to CBD oils. In the post below, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the latest trend in medical and therapeutic treatments.

What is CBD oil?

CBD refers to cannabidiol, a chemical compound that is found in the cannabis plant.

Cannabis contains a number of these chemical compounds — known as cannabinoids — that affect the body in different ways.

There are many different cannabinoids found in the plant, and scientists have managed to isolate 113 of these and are currently investigating the properties of each. However, there are two main compounds that people are usually referring to when they speak about cannabinoids: THC and CBD.

THC refers to tetrahydrocannabinol — the chemical compound that we associate with smoking marijuana and “getting high.” THC is psychoactive, which means that it affects our brain function when we smoke it, resulting in temporary changes to mood, perception, and behavior.

On the other hand, CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive chemical. If taken, CBD cannot get the user “high” or affect brain function — it has a more therapeutic effect on the body instead.

CBD oil is an oil derived from this compound that comes in a variety of different forms (tablets, creams, vapes etc) and different strengths. CBD oil and other CBD products are legal to buy, possess and use in all US states, as well as many countries across the world.

How does CBD oil work?

CBD oil works by interacting with receptors in our body.

The human body actually has a biological communication system called the “endocannabinoid system,” which contains receptors that cannabinoids interact with. The two receptors that make up this endocannabinoid system are CB1 receptors (which are found in the nervous system, organs, and tissues) and CB2 receptors (found in the immune system).

Cannabinoids like CBD work almost like a switch, turning this system “on” and activating these receptors to carry out their normal jobs more effectively. This could be in terms of regulating pain or decreasing inflammation (among other things).  

What are the benefits are CBD oil?

CBD oil has a wide range of benefits, and can be effective at treating the following conditions and illnesses:

Chronic pain

Cannabidiol has natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to alleviate chronic pain and reduce inflammation for a number of conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Type 1 diabetes, and arthritis. This helps MS and arthritis patients to better manage the symptoms of their conditions. For example, CBD can help to improve sleep and help with MS muscle spasms and stiffness.

Depression and anxiety disorders

CBD regulates the amygdala (the part of your brain that controls fear) which means it can be used to help reduce the symptoms and behaviors of anxiety disorders such as social anxiety, PTSD, OCD and panic disorders.

CBD can also be used as a natural alternative to synthetic antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, which can come with severe side effects. Instead, CBD interacts with the body’s serotonin receptors, regulating the user’s mood and reducing anxiety.


CBD oils can be used to reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures, and may even prevent seizures and cause improvements in the sufferer’s overall condition. The uses of CBD in epilepsy and other seizure disorders are still being investigated by researchers.


CBD could possibly help to combat cancer, suppressing the growth of cancer cells and helping to destroy them. Clinical research trials still need to be carried out studying the effect of CBD on cancerous cells, so if you are thinking of using CBD oil to help with cancer symptoms, we suggest talking to your healthcare team.

Are there any side effects?

Like any medication, there are side effects to using CBD oils.

However, the side effects that CBD causes are minor and rare. Some users have reported drowsiness (the most common side effect of using CBD oils), as well as changes in appetite, mild stomach upset and diarrhea after using CBD products. CBD can also cause dry skin and a dry mouth.

As you can see, none of these side effects that users experience are severe, and most users do not experience any at all.

CBD can interact with some medications, so it’s advisable to check with a physician to see if CBD will either increase or decrease the effects of the medication you already take.

How do you use and buy CBD oils?

As a medical supplement, CBD can be taken in a variety of ways, such as tablets or capsules, creams, vapes and even gummies. However, CBD oil is one of the most common forms, and is taken by placing a few drops either under the tongue or on your gums.

Over the last few years, the popularity of CBD has increased dramatically, and there are now many different ways you can purchase it. CBD products are completely legal in the US (as well as many other countries over the world) — to buy, possess and use.

The best place to buy CBD oil is online, with suppliers like Sol CBD offering a variety of strengths and flavors. Flavored CBD is a good idea because CBD oil on its own can taste quite bitter (or alternatively, you can combine CBD with honey to make it taste sweeter).

If you’re just starting to use CBD oil for the first time, you may want to start on a small dosage and take it at the end of the day, just in case you suffer from any mild side effects like drowsiness. We’d also recommend speaking with a medical professional for some personalized advice on how to use CBD to treat your specific condition.


CBD oils have a wide range of benefits for users dealing with varying conditions or health issues — and the products come with very few side effects too. If you’re new to the world of CBD oils, you might want to think about consulting a medical professional before you start to use it as a treatment.

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