What is The Difference Between Being in Ketosis and Being Fat Adapted?

This was a question that came up in my Facebook group a while ago and I knew I wanted to write about the answer here.  I think this is an important question because the terms often get used interchangeably and they aren’t.  They each have a specific definition that we should be familiar with. What […]

Keto Questions: Does a Ketogenic Diet Help You Make Good Decisions?

Keto Questions: Does a Ketogenic Diet Help You Make Good Decisions? First of all, I need to admit that I’ve never been asked this question in exactly this way before.  Usually when I get something like this, it is usually in the context of the cognitive benefits of ketosis which deserves its own blogpost that […]

Keto Question: Can Eating Too Much Meat Kill You?

Keto Question: Can Eating Too Much Meat Kill You? Eating Red Meat makes you die sooner!  Oh noes! Throw out all your steak!  (And send it to me!)  The Washington Post ran a story earlier this month with this same tired headline we’ve been hearing since the 80’s.  I remember it even being a plot […]

Keto Questions: What is the “Whoosh Effect”?

Keto Questions: What Is the “Whoosh Effect”? One of the stranger phenomenon that occurs when you are losing weight is the so-called “whoosh effect” that I really wish had a better or more scientific sounding name.  It’s the name we give to a very common occurrence where you are eating right and doing everything you […]

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