I’ve been doing this a while. I’ve read a ton of books, PDFs, and articles and listened to hours of podcasts but I’ve never seen something as informationally (is that a word?) dense as what Chris Masterjohn’s Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet is. This is really something impressive.
Have you ever had an issue or perhaps had a friend tell you of a health issue and you know it is most probably a nutritional issue but you can’t remember exactly what it is?
This happens to me all the time when I’m talking to someone and it usually involves me doing some Googling and wondering why this information is spread all over the place and not coalesced in one place. In this cheat sheet, I finally have everything I have been looking for.
This document walks you through the different diet lab tests you should take in order to find out what nutrient deficiencies/surpluses you might have. It tells you what foods you can eat to increase that particular mineral or vitamin or perhaps a supplement you should take.
It also walks you through how each of these minerals interact with the other nutrients and the issues it can cause. I’m really just scratching the surface of what’s in this thing.
You can find out more about Vitamin A or Vitamin D for instance, and how those vitamins act and react in the body. How to adjust your levels using diet or possibly how to supplement properly to meet your health goals.
You can find out the science backed lab tests you can take and how to interpret the results. There is also some information about how to correct for nutritional deficiencies and toxicities and imbalances found in some diets like a Vegan diet.
One of the first issues I looked up was one that is near and dear to my heart, High Blood Pressure. (Unintentional pun? Not sure.) It talks a lot about the importance of Magnesium but I already knew that.
It also mentioned a possible Potassium shortage and I have never heard that talked about despite having read quite a bit on the subject. So I’ve ordered some Potassium and I’ll let you know what happens in a later post.
If you have any interest in testing nutrient intake and believe that most issues we have can be solved with the right diet and possibly a few supplements, then this guide is something you need to get and read.
You need a cheat sheet for you health to banish deficiency and Dr Masterjohn has provided one. Just click here to get yours! UPDATE: The code: SUGARFREE is now permanent! Use it and save $5!
If you would like more information about Dr Masterjohn PhD and his system, you can pre-order his new book (also available as an ebook), Vitamins and Minerals 101 here. You can also hear him on my podcast in Episode 62, Episode 74, and Episode 132.
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discount for the cheat sheet does not work
Try it now. He made it permanent.
Make sure you are going to chrismasterjohnphd.com/sugarfree and using the code SUGARFREE
Just tried the code.. it says that my order doesn’t qualify for the discount??
I’m sorry. As far as I know it should work.
Is The Ultimate Cheat Sheet available in print/book?
No but it’s pretty easy to print