It’s time for Weightloss Wednesday! As of this morning I am at 240.4 lbs so same ole, same ole.
After the test results I got last week made me feel a lot better about my blood pressure, I was able to get back on the horse as far as my exercise goes. I really cut back because I was afraid of spiking my BP and causing some damage but it looks like I didn’t have much to worry about.
I am back to my old routine of a 10 minute DDP Yoga warm up, Dr McGill’s back exercises, 5×5 Stronglifts or Kettlebell swings, and then a little jump roping. It’s nice to get back into that groove.
I have been considering making a small change to my diet as an experiment and then just yesterday I recorded a new episode for my podcast that won’t come out for a few weeks but really got me motivated to make this change. I interviewed Nick Paterson from LIHF Living and learned a ton about the effect of dairy on inflammation. I don’t want to give away the punchline (you will need to listen to the interview for that) but long story short, I am cutting out all dairy in April to see what happens. I’ve kind of tapered off a bit starting now as well but absolutely cutting it totally out next month.
Of course, I’ll keep you guys apprised of what happens but I’m excited to see the results. How did you do this week? Let me know in the comments below!
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