It’s time for another Weightloss Wednesday! I’ve talked before about how I set goals and get excited when I pass them but one thing I haven’t said is I usually celebrate twice. My “official” weigh-in happens first thing in the morning but I also weigh myself before I go to bed so I know that I typically lose 2-3 lbs overnight. (I gain that back once I eat so it’s not like I lose 2 lbs a day.) So not only do I get happy when I start my day off under my goal, but when I can go to bed under that goal I know that weight is truly off and gone.
I passed 260 lbs I believe on Saturday but last night was the first time I went to bed under 260 so now I feel awesome knowing that I am never above 260 at any point in the day. And more importantly, I will never be above 260 again in my life. That is probably what I am most excited about.
As far as exercise goes, I managed to flatten my bike tire again so clearly I am doing something wrong there. This weekend I’m going to try to buy another one and get back to riding but it did highlight that I need a little more diversity in my exercise routines, perhaps I’ll pick up some weights.
So good news all around! Please remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel to never miss an episode!
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