Every week I come across a bunch of articles I want to tweet about and comment on and every week I run out of time to do it. This is my attempt to clear out the open tabs on my browser by putting them all in one place. Enjoy!
Normal weight individuals who develop type 2 diabetes: the personal fat threshold – Oh look, another study that says the same thing. Some people just don’t have a lot of places to store fat and won’t ever gain a lot of weight. Doesn’t mean you can’t get sick or develop T2D just because you aren’t fat.
Latest Low-Carb Study: All Politics, No Science – You might have seen the article suggesting that people on a low carb diet die sooner. Here’s a great article breaking down the dumb science behind the article. However, there isn’t enough being written about how this latest flurry of anti-low carb propaganda is coming out after Dr Walter Willett got his unscientific ass handed to him at the Food for Thought conference a few months ago. We might be witnessing the last few gasps of a failed nutritional theory!
Insulin’s High Cost Leads To Lethal Rationing – The rising cost of insulin is costing people their lives. Literally. People are dying because they are rationing insulin. If only there was a simple, low cost way to reduce demand for insulin. Think about this article next time someone tells you people like Dr Walter Willett and company don’t have blood on their hands.
Top Cancer Researcher Fails to Disclose Corporate Financial Ties in Major Research Journals – What? A top cancer researcher didn’t disclose his work is being funded by Big Pharma? I can’t believe this. Not really. Big Pharma has its fingers in everything. If only there was a cheap dietary intervention that reduces the risk of cancer and improves survival rates once you have it. Quick reminder, everyone should read this book.
Babies conceived via IVF are SIX TIMES more likely to have high blood pressure as teenagers – This isn’t diet related but it fascinates me none the less. Every time we circumvent nature, it would seem there is a cost. If only there was a dietary intervention that raised fertility rates. Oh well.
Researchers identify molecule with anti-aging effects on vascular system, study finds – Guess what it is! No, go ahead, guess. I’ll wait. Did you guess β-Hydroxybutyrate? Did you?
The Bizarre Fad Diet Taking the Far Right by Storm – OK, I am a fan of Mother Jones. I find their reporting to be insightful and often covers topics others don’t. After all, they were the ones that found that Big Sugar subsidized science in the 50s. But the Carnivore diet is a Far Right diet? What? Granted only far left Commie Pinkos eat a Vegan diet but is is the opposite true? Is it possible the lack of good nutrition from a Vegan diet makes people Communists and a nourishing meat diet makes someone clear thinking enough to be more Conservative? Who knows, all I can do is make wild accusations.
Non-diabetics are using diabetes technology to track their blood sugar and improve their health – Not gonna lie, this article makes me want to wear a Continuous Glucose Monitor. It also makes me want a Continuous Insulin Monitor.
@VinnieTortorich pic.twitter.com/aTy3X9q2TR
— Billy (@DizzleLA84) September 10, 2018
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