My Sugar Free Journey: Part One

The beginning of my Sugar Free Journey.  How my obesity damaged my health and my plan to fix it all.

My Sugar Free Journey: Part One

It Started at The Beginning

I have been fat for as long as I can remember.  I was a fat kid, fat in Jr High, fat in High School, fat in my Wedding pics, and only got fatter as the years went on.  I knew I was big but didn’t really have a sense of HOW big I was getting or what it was doing to my health.  How much not being Sugar Free was damaging my health.

I mean I knew I was never going to run a marathon but I was fine with that because who in their right mind wants to run a marathon?

The beginning of my Sugar Free Journey.  How my obesity damaged my health and my plan to fix it all.

No Self-Evaluation Skills At All

I know at this point the best thing to do is to put up an old picture of when I was at my biggest but I can’t bring myself to do it…not yet at least.  UPDATE: You can see a pic of me at the top of the 28 Day Challenge group.  

One of the reasons I didn’t have a grasp of how big I had gotten was that we didn’t own a scale that would go up high enough to weigh me.  It stopped at 250 and I figured I was maybe 20 pounds or so over that.  I was a smidge off.

The beginning of my Sugar Free Journey.  How my obesity damaged my health and my plan to fix it all.

The Weigh-In

Somehow or another I got a membership in to a 24 Hour fitness and was able to use their scales and BOY was I shocked to see my weight.  I was tipping the scales at a whopping 400 pounds. 

Then I decided to go to the doctor (something I NEVER do) to see how bad things had gotten.  I got as far into the physical as checking my blood pressure before it was clear I had an issue.

I Envisioned Pricking My Finger and Being Able to Shoot Blood for 20 Yards

(side not: this has all changed since going sugar free) I don’t remember the second number of the BP because I was so focused on the first.  I knew healthy BP was like 120/80 or something so expected to be like 160/something.  I wasn’t even close.  It was 220+ over something. 

The beginning of my Sugar Free Journey.  How my obesity damaged my health and my plan to fix it all.

The nurse checked it twice because she was sure the machine had malfunctioned, then asked me if I was having chest pains.  Then she said she was calling an ambulance to take me to the hospital. 

I said “Nope, I’m self-employed and have the world’s crappiest insurance, I can’t afford that.”  So I got a stern talking to by the doc, some blood pressure medicine and was out the door.

And So It Began

But at least now I was motivated…kinda.  I spent the next few years trying different diets and different exercise programs.  I managed to lose some but it was a mostly horrible period in my life. I needed to go Sugar Free.

Next time: We look at the diets I tried and why they failed.

The beginning of my Sugar Free Journey.  How my obesity damaged my health and my plan to fix it all.

Link to Part 2

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