The 28 Day Sugar Free Weight Loss Challenge Starts This Monday Sept 12th!
We are about a week away from our next 28 Day Sugar Free Challenge! Last time through we had several people report weight losses of 20 lbs or more and many are still losing weight every week.
So let’s break down exactly what we are doing and how you can get involved
When is it?
This challenge will run from September 12th-October 9th 2016.
Where is it?
You will want to join the 28 Day Challenge Facebook group here. This is just a place for us all to be able ask questions, encourage each other, share recipes, share our victories and setbeacks and anything else that needs to happen. This is also where I will be posting the videos that will educate and inspire you. More on that in a minute.
What do I do?
After you join the Facebook group, you commit to not eat any carbs like sugar, grains or starches during the challenge. Just weigh yourself before you start so you can compare where you started with where you end up. Also, each night around 8pm CST, I’ll be posting a Facebook Live video covering one specific topic concerning your health and be available to answer any questions you might have. The more of you that are on for the video, the more questions get asked and the more helpful they are so please do your best to be around.
If you are unsure what to eat I have a FREE 28 day meal plan that gets sent to you automatically when you sign up for my daily email, just click here to sign up and then check your email for the confirmation email. Once you confirm, you will be sent the meal plan. you don’t have to follow it exactly but it’s nice to have some idea of what to eat for dinner. I also have a dessert recipe ebook and a breakfast recipe ebook that you can purchase for $4.99 for both by clicking here.
Look forward to seeing you there!
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Aarn thank you so much for doing this group, I have at least 100 lbs to evict, can’t wait till it is gone! Thanks for inspiring me to take control of my health! I look forward to watching your videos, don’t always catch ya live, but I go back and watch what I missed. Thanks again! God Bless You!
Thank you so much for the kind words. I’m so excited to be able help!