This Week in Low Carb News: Coffee is Good and So is Butter

Every week I come across a bunch of articles I want to tweet about and comment on and every week I run out of time to do it.  This is my attempt to clear out the open tabs on my browser by putting them all in one place.  Enjoy!

Combined effect of coffee ingestion and repeated bouts of low-intensity exercise on fat oxidation – Finally some awesome news about weight loss.  You oxidize fat faster if you drink coffee before exercise, presumably because of the caffeine.  I’ve been saying for years that coffee is a health food (as long as you don’t get addicted to the caffeine) so drink up!

Vindicating Gary Taubes: A Smackdown of Seth Yoder – Fantastic look at some of the finer points of Gary Taubes’ arguments.

Vigilance versus vigilantism in science: Are ethics no longer important? – I have been following the attempts as smearing Maryanne Demasi for a while so this article written by someone with some inside knowledge of what happened was very interesting.  Things like this remind me of how crazy vegans can be, going so far as to smear someone’s good name who just believes eating animal products can be good for you.

Reflections on a Carbage Article – A scientist takes down a bad Lancet study

Butter Battle 2.0 – I love Dr Lustig and this quick look at the realities behind dairy fats is a must read.

World’s oldest-known animal cave art painted at least 40,000 years ago in Borneo – What were early humans interested in enough to paint on walls?  Broccoli?  Nope.  Meat.

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