Book Review: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Book Review: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

When I recommitted myself to eating sugar free and getting healthy in 2016, I knew I needed to come up with something that would change my personal habits enough to make it stick.  My problem has always been that I start off with the best of intentions and then the wheels absolutely fall off just a few weeks in.  I knew I was destined for the exact same outcome unless I did something that would give me some badly needed structure and hold me accountable to my goals.  Fortunately, a few months earlier I had heard an interview with Hal Elrod about his book, Miracle Morning.

I grabbed a copy off Amazon and read it in about 2 days and it was exactly what I was looking for.  I finally had some guidance about what I needed to do in the morning to start my day off right and to be as productive as I possibly could be during the day.  The system is simple and involves 6 components that spell out the acronym S.A.V.E.R.S.

S – Silence – This is a few minutes of silent reflection, meditation and/or prayer.  This has helped me to set apart a time when I can think and reflect on my life and thank God for his many blessings to me and my family.

A – Affirmations – The book gives you a series of questions you can ask yourself to develop your own personal affirmations.  I have written out a few that help me think positively about myself, my finances, my marriage and my business.  These affirmations also give me a chance to reflect on how true to my affirmations I was the previous day and see if I need t course-correct in any direction.

V – Vision – This is just a time to think about where you want to be in a year or 5 or 10.  Dream big and see yourself meeting your goals and being successful.  I have to confess, before this book my biggest goal was just getting the bills paid each month.  This has allowed me to think a little bigger.

E – Exercise – This has been SOOO important to me.  I really needed some time to be set aside where I could do a little exercise.  At first a found a yoga video and worked up to where I could finish it and for the last week I’ve been alternating between yoga in the morning and riding my bike in the afternoon.  Our bodies are meant to be moved and I’ve pretty much just been using it to sit in front of the computer and work.

R – Reading – Pick a book and start reading.  So far this month I’m about halfway through Good Calorie, Bad Calorie by Gary Taubes and I never would have found the time to read it if not for the Miracle Morning.

S – Scribing – Scribing is a fancy word for Journaling, the author needed a word that started with S for the acronym.  I have to confess, this is the only that comes the hardest to me.  I downloaded an app called Diaro to write in and while I do it every morning, they a short entries unworthy of ever being re-read.  I hope this improves over time.

Each of these things work together to provide me with what I need to meet my goals and finish My Sugar Free Journey.  If you are looking for a change in your routine, I cannot recommend this book enough,  You can find it on Amazon here.


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