Keto Cheese Taco Cup Recipe!

Sometimes you need a stupid simple recipe.  The kind of dinner idea that takes almost no extra thought or effort but looks and tastes amazing.  The kind of dinner idea that makes your kid’s (or in my case, grandkids’) eyes’ pop open and say “Wow!”

Now I’m no dreamer, the teenaged kids haven’t said wow to anything I’ve done in years but every once in a while I can get those little ones really excited about the way I eat.  If I can serve tasty food in interesting ways, the idea of a life without sugar doesn’t seem so foreign to them.

I wanted to create something that was cool and low carb.  Something that looked and tasted like their favorite foods, (in this case, tacos) but was nutritious and without those terrible grains that made me so fat and I think we have a winner here.

A couple notes you need to be aware of before starting this.  If you want to season the meat, you can use my taco seasoning recipe.  It’s easy to make and one of those blends I always have in a little tupperware container in the kitchen.  If you want a little salsa, I also have my delicious Fire Grilled Salsa recipe here.  And of course, my Stupid Simple Guacamole recipe because everything is better with avocados.

Also, be very careful when baking the cheese.  It just takes a few minutes to melt, you still want the squares to be solid enough to handle but soft enough to take the shape of the muffin tin.  It’s a delicate balance.  You can also use the microwave for about 30 seconds if you don’t want to heat up the oven.

As always, if you make the recipe, take a pic and tag @MySugarFreeJrny on Instagram, I would love to see it.  You can find all my recipes here and if you have any questions, let me know in the comments below. Thanks!

Keto Taco Cheese Cups
Yield: 6 servings

Keto Taco Cheese Cups

Prep Time: 1 minute
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 6 minutes

An easy to make low carb taco shell.


  • Cheese cups:
  • • 6-8 slices of colby jack cheese, or preferred cheese
  • Toppings:
  • - Lean ground beef or turkey with Taco Seasoning
  • - Lettuce
  • Optional:
  • - Add additional cheese, tomato, avocado or salsa


  1. Preheat oven to 375
  2. Place slices of cheese on parchment lined baking sheet with few inches in between slices
  3. Bake for about 5 minutes or until bubbly and just starting to brown at edges
  4. Remove baking sheet and let cool a couple minutes
  5. Carefully pick up slices and place in muffin tin to form a cup shape, let cool additional 10 minutes
  6. Fill cups with toppings and enjoy!

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