Ketogenic Diet FAQ’s

These are all the commonly and frequently asked questions about the ketogenic diet.  I’ve tried to give you a short answer on this page and then if you want more info, click the link to the more in depth post.

What is the Ketogenic Diet? – A Ketogenic diet is any diet that lowers blood glucose to the point where your body is forced to convert fat into ketones for fuel.  A Ketogenic diet usually consists of less than 5% of calories coming from carbohydrates (About 20g per day), between 20-35% from protein depending on factors such as activity level and the remainder coming from fat, primarily saturated animal fat.

Should I take any Blood Tests Before Starting the Ketogenic Diet? – Most people do not need any special blood tests to start a Ketogenic diet, however, it is nice to be able to track your progress.  The most important things you should measure are your A1C, Cholesterol Particle sizes (NMR Lipid Profile Test) and C-Reactive Protein, a measure of inflammation.

What Should I Do Before I Start a Ketogenic Diet? – In addition to the possible blood tests discussed above, you should weigh yourself to get a starting weight, measure your waist circumference, take pictures of your body with as few clothes on as possible to compare yourself later, remove all carbs and processed foods from your house, and find a support group like our Ketogenic Training room.

How long does it take to get into Ketosis? – Usually between 2-7 days

How can I Tell if I am in Ketosis? – The easiest way is to measure

Is it Normal to Pee This Much on Keto? -Yes

How Should I Track My Carb Intake and Other Macros? – I use Lose It! but there are tons of apps you can use.

What About Artificial Sweeteners? – The best sweetener is no sweetener but I like liquid stevia and erythritol

Can I Eat Too Much Fat? – Yes, but it’s pretty Difficult

Can I Eat Too Much Protein? – Yes but it is also fairly difficult

How Important is salt on the Ketogenic Diet? – Very important

Will All this Fat Cause Cardiovascular Disease or a Heart Attack? – Ummm…No

What Foods Can I Eat? – Meat, veggies, mostly leafy greens, full fat dairy and more!

Is There a Sample Menu I can Look At? – Sure, sign up here.

What Common Mistakes do Beginners Make on the Ketogenic Diet? – There’s a couple of them.  Read the article.

I Started the Keto Diet and Feel Terrible.  What Do I Do? – KCKO

What Can I Do About Constipation? – There are a few things you can do.  Coffee, water, fiber, Magnesium and a few other options.

Can I Drink Alcohol on the Ketogenic Diet? – Stick with distilled alcohol and stay away from mixers.

I Work Out, Should I Be Worried About the Ketogenic Diet? – Nope.  There is an adaptation phase that takes 4-6 weeks but after that, you are golden.

What Supplements Should I Take on the Ketogenic Diet? – Depends on if you have any nutritional deficiencies but most people benefit from Magnesium and Vitamin D.

I Had My Gall Bladder Removed, is the Ketogenic Diet Safe? – You may need to support with supplements but it will be healthier than a typical high carb diet.

What Snack Foods Can I Eat on the Ketogenic Diet? – Deli meat, cheese, hardboiled eggs, pork rinds and more

What Books Should I Read to Find Out More About the Ketogenic Diet? – A list of some of my favorites

What Do I Do After Reaching My Goal Weight? – KCKO

What is Intermittent Fasting and Should I Do It? – Not eating for long lengths of time (More than 18 hours) and it definitely helped me.

How Do I Stay Keto when Eating Out at Restaurants? – It’s not difficult.  Look for meat and veggies and you will need to hold most sauces.

How Do I Stay Keto when Traveling? – It can be tricky but there are some things you can do to make your life easier.

None of My Friends/Family/Spouse are Supportive of Me Eating Keto.  What Should I Do? – KCKO

My Doctor Said The Ketogenic Diet Isn’t Safe.  What Do I Do? – Listen to your Dr, do your own research, then make the decision that is best for you and your health.




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