Weightloss Wednesday: 27.5 Lbs Down!

Weightloss Wednesday: 27.5 Lbs Down!

It’s time for Weightloss Wednesday!  This morning I weighed in at 272.5 lbs, which is 27.5 lbs down for the year!  It is so nice to be able to consistently get good news from my scale every morning.

My goals for April included hitting 270 by the end of the month and I think I’m going to be able to do it which is going to be awesome.  I probably haven’t been under 270 in 20 years so I’m looking forward to seeing what that looks like.

Again, all I’m doing is not eating sugar or empty (simple) carbs and the weight comes off a little more every day.  I’ve been on crazy diets where I lost weight for a few weeks, then immediately put it back on, this is the first thing I’ve ever done that has shown steady weight loss over multiple months.  I’m also shocked at how easy it has been, I would have thought that I would have started missing bread or pizza but once I started seeing the pounds come off, I don’t miss that stuff at all!

How are you doing on your weight loss journey?  I would love to hear about it, you can leave a comment below or send me an email if you want a little privacy.  Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my daily email to never miss a post or to my YouTube channel to never miss a video.  Enjoy!

Weightloss Wednesday: 27.5 Lbs Down!


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