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It’s funny as I look back over the articles on this site that people are most interested in the one thing that comes up over and over again are these What’s Sugar Free and Keto Friendly at Restaurant’s posts. So of course, those were the ones I stopped writing for a few months. Who knows why I do the things I do.
So, in light of me knowing this, not only am I going to to continue this series at least until I have covered the top 50 restaurant chains in the US but I’m also going to go back and rewrite the older ones. At first I was just writing what is sugar free but as my diet has veered more towards keto, I would like to make them all keto friendly so the info is the same on every post. Hopefully everyone will find that helpful.
So without further ado, here’s everything sugar free and keto friendly at Burger King. You can find the full Burger King Menu on their website here.
As with most burger places he best thing to do is to assemble a meal out of ingredients because you aren’t getting a keto burger off the menu as is obviously.
Breakfast Keto Ingredients
Almost any breakfast sandwich can be ordered without the bread and be keto. The Fully Loaded Croissan’wich has the most meat.
Sausage Patties
Ham slices
Lunch/Dinner Keto Ingredients
Flame Grilled Patties
Grilled Chicken Patties
Side Salad without dressing. (Maybe get a few lemon slices?)
Diet Soft Drinks
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