Bacon Weave Hamburger Bun Recipe

Bacon Weave Hamburger Bun Recipe

Bacon Weave Hamburger Bun Recipe

I’m really excited about getting to share this recipe with you today because it filled a real need I had of wanting to eat a “normal” hamburger.  In other words, a hamburger I could pick up with my hands instead of eating with a fork.  Nothing wrong with a fork but sometimes you just want to pick a burger up and chow down.

So I’ve shown you one way to do this with a flax seed bun but how awesome would this be if it also added a lot more bacon to the meal!  I mean more bacon is always a plus in any recipe.

So here’s what you do:

Bacon Weave Hamburger Bun Recipe

Cut 6 pieces of bacon in half and weave them together as shown above.  Put them in a a pan and bake them at 350° for about 20 minutes until crispy.

Bacon Weave Hamburger Bun Recipe

Take them out when down and drain them on a napkin or paper towel and let cool.  They will also harden a bit when cool.

Bacon Weave Hamburger Bun Recipe

While the bacon is cooking, fry up some burgers however you like and then use the bacon weaves like bread with whatever toppings and add-ons you enjoy.  As you can see, I went with a piece of cheese and some avocado pico I like to make which basically just avocado chunks mixed with diced onion and tomatoes seasoned with salt and lime juice.  Think of it as a very chunky guacamole.

You can see all my recipes here and if you decide to make this, tag @MySugarFreeJrny on Instagram so I can see it!

Bacon Weave Hamburger Recipe
Yield: 1 Serving

Bacon Weave Hamburger Recipe

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes

A great way to use bacon as the "bun" of a hamburger


  • 6 pieces of bacon


  1. Cut bacon in half and weave it together into 2 squares
  2. Bake at 350° for 20 minutes until fully cooked, drain
  3. Use inplace of bread for hamburgers

Want a hamburger that you don['t have to eat with a fork? Try this awesome Bacon weave Hamburger Bun Recipe!

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