Keto Spicy BBQ Sauce Recipe!

Keto Spicy BBQ Sauce Recipe!

As a Texan, the weekend BBQ is a big part of my life.  There is just nothing like firing up the grill on a Saturday afternoon and throwing a big ole slab of meat on the fire and letting it cook in a primal way how our ancestors did.  Ok, they probably didn’t have propane but still, fire is awesome.

For this recipe, I wanted something a little on the spicy side but you can make it a little sweeter just by cutting the Tabasco and Cayenne and adding a small amount of sweetener.  I just wanted something a little bolder than the BBQ sauces I used to pick up from the grocery store because sweet foods just don’t have the same appeal to me as they used to.

I’ve used this recipe on several kinds of meat but by far the best is chicken.  Just grill the chicken as normal and when you’ve got about 5-10 minutes left before the chicken is completely done, brush on the sauce then close the lid to allow it to caramelize a bit.  It’s incredibly tasty.  I will also use it as a dipping sauce, usually when I make hamburger patties.

It’s very tasty and very versatile.  If you make this for yourself, please let me know!  Just tag @MySugarFreeJrny on Instagram and I’ll see it.  You can also subscribe to the YouTube channel to never miss a video and see the rest of my recipes here.  Thanks!

Keto Spicy BBQ Sauce Recipe
Yield: 10 servings

Keto Spicy BBQ Sauce Recipe

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes

A keto, LCHF BBQ sauce recipe with a bit of a kick!


  • 1 Tsp Coconut Oil
  • 1/4 onion, finely diced
  • 1 Tbsp Garlic, finely diced
  • 1 6oz can of Tomato Paste
  • 1/4 cup yellow mustard
  • 6oz water
  • 2 Tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp Chili Powder
  • 1/2 Tbsp Paprika
  • 1 Tsp Cumin
  • 1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
  • 1 Dash of Tabasco Sauce


  1. In skillet, melt coconut oil and saute onion and garlic until onion is translucent
  2. Add all ingredients, stir well and let simmer for 5 minutes
  3. Add more water if it thickens
  4. Replace Cayenne and Tabasco with 1 Tsp sweetener if you want a sweet sauce

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