Roasted Radishes and Lemon Greens Recipe!

Sooo…radishes.  If you had told me a few years ago that I would be voluntarily eating radishes I would have told you that you were out of your mind.  They were never a part of the food I ate growing up and my only exposure to them was something weird on those huge salad bars […]

Grilled Garlic Green Beans Recipe!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day!  We had all the kids and grandkids over yesterday for a little cookout and I made 2 delicious recipe that I want to share with you.  The Stuffed Jalapenos I made will go up next week but you can see a picture of them here.  For now, […]

Sugar Free Recipe: How to Make Beet Chips!

I am always on the lookout for new ways to eat veggies.  Sometimes the selection at my local farmer’s market or Walmart produce aisle can get a bit narrow and I want to do something different with what’s available.  I remembered in the back of my mind that a couple years ago I saw someone […]

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